This fanciful design was in production during 1958 as the promotional Cinderella bowl chip and dip set. Because the pattern is so atypical the casserole dish now onlyy sells for between $30 and $75despite being a somewhat rare find. Sold from 1970-71, the Midnight Bloom pattern is unique in that it’s dark, and somewhat ethereal (in contrast to the bright, cheery designs most commonly sought after). Via/ eBay 7) Midnight Bloom Casserole Dish These sets can sell for between $20 and $100 depending on condition and whether or not the bracket is present. The Cinderella style bowls have a bracket which converts them from mixing bowls to hostess perfection in the form a chip and dip set. Sign up to our newsletter and stay up to date. It was the Verdé pattern with all the different shades of greenI was hooked. I never thought a thing about it until I found my first set of vintage Pyrex about a decade ago at a thrift store. I grew up with the ‘80s Brown Homestead Pyrex, she remembered. Add pictures and a short description to show visitors more of whatever it is you want. Miller’s interest in collecting vintage Pyrex was sparked by nostalgia. Today these simple yet iconic mid-century bowls can sell for between $75 and $215! Via/ eBay 8) Green Ivy Chip & Dip Setįor 1964 this patternwas produced as a promotional set. Do you have more to say and show You can do it in this section. The round mixing bowl (pre-Cinderella bowls shape) was produced as a promotional item in the 1950s. It’s a kitchen workhorse that’s been improving cooks’ lives for decades, but did you know it can also be worth some serious. The Butterprint pattern tested in the video above was manufactured between 19, but Pyrex did not appear to have changed their product composition in that timeframe. This simple pattern mixing bowl comes in colors that anyone who loves vintage Pyrex is familiar with: turquoise and white. It’s incredibly durable, can withstand heat and cold, and comes in absolutely adorable colors and patterns. All dishes of that vintage Pyrex pattern were manufactured after the FDA’s enforcement of leachable lead levels for cookware in 1971. Pyrex has been popular in kitchens everywhere for over a century. This simple pattern mixing bowl comes in colors that anyone who loves vintage Pyrex is familiar with: turquoise and white. What Is Your Vintage Pyrex Worth Kristy Norrell. Via/ Flickr 9) Turquoise Diamond Mixing Bowl

In mint condition they can bring in big bucks! Here are 9 of the rarest (and some of the costliest) Pyrex patterns for collectors. Even something as common as everyday Pyrex still has a few limited run patterns here and there which tend to sell well. The vintage patterns and colors that are so quaint compared to minimalist modern decor have become quite collectible, especially if you know what you’re looking for. There’s nothing like vintage Pyrex for charming style and high quality that last decades.